Thursday 4 December 2014

Welcome to T2

Hello and welcome to our blog all about T2. Here is what has been happening to us lately:

On Friday 28th November our last year’s year 11 visited us in form time and we had a party! We celebrated that they came back to see us.

On Thursday 27th we had PHSE day where year 8 learned about alcohol, drugs and sexual relationships; at the end of the day the police came in and talked to us about drugs and how they can affect you.

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Year 9 had a talk about their options. Year 10 did sports and also had a police talk. Year 11 had their mock results and a talk about which colleges were available and how to do their CVs.

Our form tutor is Mr Quigley who is a really nice man and a great I.T teacher, he has an awesome personality… Mr Quigley Rocks! 


  1. We'd like to know who wrote the blog. We like Mr Quigley too! from K3

    1. I have a feeling that it's Mr Quigley's form that wrote it.


    2. Since it says Welcome to T2 and Mr Quigley is our form tutor... you would expect it too be written by someone in T2
