Friday 23 January 2015

Chinese New Year

Hey there, in this blog I will be telling you about Chinese New Year


What is Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year is an important traditional Chinese holiday celebrated at the turn of the Chinese calendar. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival. This year it will be celebrated on the 19th of February.


Here are some of the Chinese traditions:



Fireworks are used to drive away the evil in China. Right after 12:00PM on New Year's Eve, fireworks will be launched to celebrate the coming of the New Year as well as to drive away the evil. It is believed that the person who launched the first firework of the New Year will obtain good luck.



A few days before the Chinese New Year, people will do a complete cleaning of the house and house wares which signifies to remove the old and welcome the new. Historically, when bathing did not occur often, people would normally take one to welcome the New Year.



After the cleaning, people will decorate the house to welcome the New Year. Most of the decorations are red in colour. The most popular New Year decorations are upside down fu, dui lian, lanterns, year paint, paper cutting, door gods, etc.


Chinese Dragons

Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, hurricane, and floods. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it. With this, the Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial power and strength.


New year is a huge celebration in the Chinese calendar as they believe it is a time of happiness and time to get rid of all evil.


By Aasif Ali T3


Hey there, welcome back Trinity. This is Lead Blogger Alisha Edwards currently speaking. So I have decided to talk about my two wonderful pooches{dogs}, my first dog is called Louis and my second dog is called Ketch. Now I know what you all are wondering “why the heck would you call a dog Ketch?”

To be honest with you, I have no idea as well and we only got her in November from a dog’s home where we got Louis from, they were both excited to see us when we first found them.

Who is Ketch?

Ketch is a great little collie who has a white mouth and a black head, she kind of looks like the female dog version of Santa Clause, but she does have a kind heart apart from when she is very naughty, I mean she is supposed to 5 years old and she still acts like a little puppy, she is such a little tinker! She loves to dig up the garden because her breeds are rat-catchers, so that’s why she likes digging. Oh and don’t get me started on what else she does, she likes to destroy cushions, mail and her personal favourite ‘toilet paper’. On top of all that she is skittish and is still a shy dog like she first was when we saw her.

Who is Louis?

Description: N:\My Pictures\Celebs and other things\Louis looking cute.jpgWell Louis is kind of a mystery, when you first see him you would actually think that he is scary and all but he is far from that, actually he is the complete opposite of scary, he is a big softy, very protective, he’s athletic and is has a gold medal at long jump {not actually} but he did jump over my head when I was on the sofa and onto the floor. Louis is a very unique breed of dog; in fact he is a hunting dog which is called a Pharaoh hound. Here is a history lesson because of his colour; his ancestors were thought to be associated with black magic {yes, witchcraft}, so they killed all of the dogs who were Louis’s colour. Pharaoh hounds are supposed to be tan coloured not Louis’s colour and there are eight left in our country but I think that the population might have gone up.

I haven’t got a pic of Ketch so you’ll have to wait and see....




Friday 9 January 2015


2015 Origami Colored Number

I would like to say happy New Year to all of our readers and we are back to another term of school plus even more blogging!!


Unfortunately, we have not been able to post any blogs when we were off sorry about that. I hope you have had a good Christmas and got lots of presents because I did :)! Furthermore, it is still quite cold so wrap up warm.


I will promise more blogs in the future that’s enough from me and I hope you have a good term byyyye!!!


By George Beech-Daly T1.